Galina Mihaylova & Anton Ivanov

Oath of the Bulgarian Radio Amateur

I, the Bulgarian radio amateur, swear:

To be a patriot. To use or lend my station, my knowledge and my skills to help the country and society when necessary. To be a worthy citizen of my Fatherland. To love my country, to obey and observe its laws, to respect the representatives of the authorities and to assist them when necessary.

Recognize the equality of people and do not allow discrimination of any kind – religion, gender, race, knowledge and abilities, preferred mode of work or any other characteristic. To respect the opinions and beliefs of others. To strive for tolerant understanding and fruitful harmony between people. To cooperate and consider the interests of others. To develop the art of keeping calm and poised in all circumstances.

To be honest and of high morals. To observe the general human ethical norms of behavior. To be proud to be a radio amateur, to help others, to protect them to the best of my ability, especially in disasters and accidents, if necessary even at the risk of my own life.

To be polite. To not allow any political, religious or personal disputes and confrontations in radio amateur connections, meetings or forums. Never operate the band or the Internet in a way that spoils the enjoyment of other radio amateurs or my neighbors. To never cause disputes in meetings and forums that are not of a technical nature and/or would have a negative effect on the club, the organization or our country.

To respect radio amateur traditions and maintain the radio amateur spirit and moral principles. To strive for continuous self-improvement, assimilation of new and unknown technologies, knowledge and skills. To maintain and improve my equipment and operator practice. To comply with the established technical requirements and the documents regulating radio amateurs.

To work continuously to raise the authority of the club and the organizations in which I am a member. To show loyalty and help according to my abilities to other radio amateurs, to other clubs and radio amateur organizations. To encourage beginners, be patient and offer friendly advice without being pushy.

To maintain a sustainable balance between radio as a hobby and other obligations in family, work, school, society. To love work and study as my main duties and to respect them in all their forms. I swore!

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