My Latest Radio Contacts This is an excerpt from for the radio links made by me (Tony, LZ3AI). My latest radio contacts (QSOs) are usually not the last. The sample itself is real-time and shows the latest uploaded to, but not the last ones made and reflected […]
I will share personal experience with Yaesu FTDX-10, FT8 and JTDX. I start by connecting the equipment. Old radio hams told me that I should make or buy an interface box to connect the computer to the audio input/output of the transceiver, because repair shops were full of transceivers to […]
Control Pursuant to the “Technical Requirements” and the “Electronic Communications Act” (ELC), the monitoring of amateur radio activities on the air is carried out by the CRC, and the establishment of violations and the imposition of penalties are carried out in accordance with the rules of the CEL. In order […]
One of the most important ways that radio amateurs serve the public is through disaster and emergency response. There are already multiple confirmations of this in practice. Every radio amateur, regardless of the extent of his normal operator activity, must constantly think about the possibility that at a certain moment […]
The IARU Band Plan is a globally accepted gentlemen’s agreement that is followed by 99% of radio amateurs. The band plan contains several official DX windows in which there is an agreement to give full priority to long distance work (DX links). DX shortwave windows There are currently three such […]
DX clusters have completely replaced local and international DX information networks in recent years. Primary Purpose Which DX stations are currently active and on what frequencies? DX clusters are part of a global (worldwide) network transmitting information in real time. They are interconnected and by accessing one of them, you […]
Before the advent of the Internet in the ham radio community, a number of DX information networks were maintained on various ham bands. Daily broadcasts provided information on current and planned DX appearances. In recent years, these networks have been replaced by various information systems accessible via packet radio BBS […]
Many hams hunt DX stations or chase the rare countries or territories where there are almost no hams or no population at all. What counts as a country, or rather a separate entity, is decided in the DXCC, an organization that issues the much-coveted DXCC diploma. See DX hams […]